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IRPM And ARMA Mental Health Survey

IRPM and ARMA Mental Health Survey

Mental health has quite rightly been given a lot of attention during the last year. Articles are appearing in the media, on social media, on radio stations and TV shows. On the 14th February, an article in The Observer reported

More than four out of 10 people say the Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on their mental health, according to the latest Opinium poll for the Observer.

In the survey, 43% say their mental health has deteriorated over the past year, while more than a third (35%) report that their physical health has got worse.”

Mental health isn’t just a topic or statistic, this is something that affects each and every one of is in one way or another. It’s being labelled as a crisis (which to be fair, it already was, the pandemic has exacerbated it and shone a big bright spotlight on it).

For our second February article, we are showing our support for the Institute of Residential Property Managers and Association of Residential Managing Agents (ARMA) who are working together to better understand the impact of mental health in the residential property management sector. The organisations have compiled a survey as part of this research and Monday the 1st March is the closing date for submitting.

We can’t explain it better than they can so we are sharing their words and would ask that you take 5 to complete the survey and contribute your thoughts.

“As we begin 2021, we are reflecting on a precarious year that held substantial challenges for many individuals. We have seen both personally and professionally the sheer mental health and wellbeing impact, 2020, has had on the world.

We are therefore looking to investigate and better understand the complex nature of mental health in the workplace, specifically in property management. We believe that the results of this survey will assist the sector to develop initiatives that can support property management professionals, spanning both individual members all the way to organisations, firms and businesses.

We are requesting this survey be completed by:

  • Property Manager/Property Assistant/Estate co-ordinators etc
  • Onsite support (eg concierge)
  • Back-Office support (maintenance and finance)

Please share this survey with your teams and any contacts that are representative of the group above, all responses are kept anonymous.

The survey will close on the 1st March 2021, the findings and results will be released in a paper, that will be distributed out to members and made available to view and download.

We thank you for taking the time to highlight the reality of mental health and wellbeing in residential property management, and to help us begin to deliver relevant resources, assistance, and support to our sector.”