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Extended Support Opening Hours – Taking Care Of Business

Extended Support Opening Hours – Taking care of business

The week before last, our team got together to discuss how we can help our clients during the foreseeable future, whilst life looks a bit different. In our last article we shared details of our Webinar schedule for our existing clients. These free webinars will allow our clients to brush up on existing knowledge and skills. And also to potentially discover new and different features of the software that, understandably, go unnoticed or unused because the everyday takes over.

As we continue to navigate the lockdown, working from home, for many, could be presenting more challenges. Those who have kids might be home schooling so a normal working day could look very different, with earlier starts and later finishes to allow for school times to be honoured. Perhaps your property factoring or block management business is operating a flexible working initiative, with varying starting and finishing hours.

So, in order to take care of our clients, and to help take care of business, we’ll be extending our Support hours too.

From the 1st of April 2020 our Support Team will be on hand to answer any calls, questions and queries that you may have. Instead of 9am, we will be available one hour earlier, from 8am and instead of closing at 5pm we will be here for your until 6pm Monday to Friday.

We will run this as a trial through until the 31st of May 2020. If you are finding it useful, we will of course extend this into June if we need to.

Of course, there is always the option to log a ticket with us at any time of the day or night. You can use the CPL Portal to do this. You can also search the Knowledge Base for answers to your questions.

We have found that being able to see each other at points during the day is a nice way to stay connected. Of course, we wouldn’t expect you to want to see us, but maybe speaking on the phone would be a good option for many right now – so please do call the Support Team on 0345 646 0240 (option 1) with any questions you may have about your software. Or just because you want to check in!